Blocking Telegram in Russia is the process of restricting access to Telegram messenger on the territory of the Russian Federation. The technical process of this restriction began on April 16, 2018. The blocking led to interruptions in the operation of many third-party services, but practically did not affect the availability of Telegram in Russia.

Russia lifts its ban on the Telegram messenger app - The Verge Jun 18, 2020 Telegram app banned in Russia after court ruling - CBS News Apr 13, 2018 Blocking Telegram in Russia - Wikipedia

Jun 18, 2020 · MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia on Thursday lifted a ban on the Telegram messaging app that had failed to stop the widely-used programme operating despite being in force for more than two years.

Was the Telegram app made in India? - Quora Contrary to the popular misinformation passing around. Telegram app was not designed in India. Telegram was launched in 2013 by brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov, the founders of Russian VK, Russia's largest social network. Telegram Messenger LLP Russia Blocks Popular Telegram Messaging App The court said the app was in violation of Russian regulations to provide information to state security. Telegram is ranked the world's ninth most popular messaging app with over 200 million users

The Russian government has lifted a ban on Telegram two years after it announced attempts to restrict access to the encrypted instant-messaging app, the country’s communications regulator said

Russia lifts ineffective ban on Telegram messaging app Jun 18, 2020 Russia lifts ineffective ban on Telegram messaging app Jun 18, 2020 A messaging app won a cat-and-mouse game with the Russian Jun 29, 2020 Telegram — a free speech Russian platform is a haven for