Network Connection Destination Host Unreachable - Red Hat

This message indicates one of two problems: either the local system has no route to the desired destination, or a remote router reports that it has no route to the destination. If the message is simply "Destination Host Unreachable," then there is no route from the local system, and the packets to be sent were never put on the wire. networking - "Destination port unreachable" when pinging PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmp_seq=1 Destination Port Unreachable Clearly it's using the static route I assigned. The problem seems to be that the OpenWRT router doesn't know how to route packets to, which is strange because that IP is directly connected to that router. Ping: Destination Port Unreachable Solutions | Experts I open a dos prompt and ping the server, and get four tidy replies from the translated IP ending with "Destination Port Unreachable." -Same result from any of my local machines. One must have a 'user account' at this particular server/service, and I do have one. What is the Destination Port Unreachable Error Message If you see the ICMP reply Destination Unreachable (Port Unreachable) when you ping an address, follow the steps provided below. Ping a Different Address Try to ping a different IP address or web URL.

Destination Host Unreachable is a physical connectivity problem. Try and ping from your computer. If this replies than the TCP/IP stack within your OS is good. From there check your cable, is it crossover? Do you have a port mismatch onb the router and computer? Are you sure you are not plugged in to a phone port?

Aug 04, 2011 networking - Destination Host Unreachable, Centos 7 ping return packets route [root@localhost ~]# route Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface default gateway UG 100 0 0 ens33 U 100 0 0 ens33 gateway UH 100 0 0 ens33 icmp - Difference between ping timed out and destination

This message indicates one of two problems: either the local system has no route to the desired destination, or a remote router reports that it has no route to the destination. If the message is simply "Destination Host Unreachable," then there is no route from the local system, and the packets to be sent were never put on the wire.

Mar 19, 2015 VPN subnet routing: Destination Port Unreachable - Super User All ping's return "Destination Port Unreachable" I have a virbr1 like this: virbr1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 52:54:00:cb:4d:9b inet addr: Bcast: Mask: (created by Libvirt) I have 1 VM running on the hypervisor with IP which I can ping … linux - network: destination host unreachable - Unix ping to see my connectivity. so it says: Network is unreachable Than I typed . ifconfig: inet addr: Than typed . sudo /sbin/route add -net gw eth0 Now I'm doing the same ping and it says : Destination host is unreachable , for all the sequences. debian - ICMP : Port unreachable error even if port is